Rhino to skp
Rhino to skp

rhino to skp

Then file used here was created by DavidML2016 on the 3D model warehouse. If you don't see your stream in the list, you can use the search bar to look up a stream by its name, ID, or description.Ĭlicking on the current branch button (defaults to main) will open a drop down where you can select a different branch to send to. The connector will then convert your geometry, send it to your Speckle Stream, and create a commit on that stream with your name and the timestamp.

  • Select the geometry you want to send from the scene.
  • Sending is currently very simple - anything selected in the scene will be converted and sent. Just pop it into the toolbar tray so it'll be easier to find later. When you first install the plugin, the brick may be a bit lost floating around by itself. The connector can be launched by clicking the blue Speckle brick.

    rhino to skp

    You can install the Speckle SketchUp Connector through the Speckle Manager - click here for more details.

    rhino to skp

    Speckle Blocks will be converted to SketchUp component instances. The material properties that will be reflected in the Speckle material are opacity, metalness, roughness, diffuse, and emissive.Īny objects with lines or meshes (including ngons and built elements with display values) should be received in SketchUp as expected. Simple materials are extracted, but textures and complex materials are not. These work very similarly to your SketchUp groups and components in that they are instances of a single definition with a transform applied to them. Any groups or component instances in your model will be converted into Speckle Block Instances. When you send from SketchUp, all edges and faces are converted into generic Speckle lines and meshes. If you have any ideas, questions, or suggestions, help us shape the future of the connector by starting a conversation on our forum! What Can I Send & Receive? It will cover what is supported in each application and any extra bits to keep in mind along the way. Want to try out sending your SketchUp models to Speckle so you can inspect them online or send them to your collaborators using other applications like Rhino, Blender, Autocad, or Revit? This tutorial will show you the basics of sending from SketchUp and receiving them in our various other connectors.

    Rhino to skp